This year, the CBSE board conducted the Class 10 exams from February 15 to March 13 and Class 12 exams from February 15 to April 2. Around 39 lakh students, including both classes, appeared in the board exams and are now waiting for the release of their results which is about to end in just a few days.
There is good news for the students appearing for 12th examination from CBSE board. The 12 th results have been declared by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). CBSE has declared the result on Monday, May 13, 2024, on the official website,
How to check results:
- To check the CBSE Board 10th and 12th results, students first have to visit the official website:
- On the home page of the website, you have to click on the class for which you want to see the result (10th or 12th).
- On the new page, you will have to enter your roll number and password and submit.
- After this, your marksheet will open on the screen, from where you will be able to download it.
CBSE will not release the list of toppers
CBSE will not release the list of top students in class 10th and 12th this year also. Earlier last year also, the names of toppers were not shared by the board. This is being done by the board to eliminate competition among students.
87.98 percent students passed examinations:
According to the update released by CBSE Board regarding Senior Secondary results, 87.98 percent students have passed this time’s examinations.
- Total registered students: 16,33,739
- Students included: 16,21,224
- Pass students: 14,26,420
- Passing percentage: 87.98 percent